Soccer is great. Friends are great. The weather is great. Life is almost perfect. When Lisa comes back it will be. Our new friends offered to have Gwen and Tessie over while I coached Ione's soccer team. Not just today, but always. That is a wonderfully generous offer and gift. Even more astounding is that when I arrived to pick up Gwen and Tessie they were already fed and there was a plate waiting for Ione! Incredible. I hope to be able to be so kind and thoughtful for someone very soon. It feels like a debt that should be paid forward more than paid back. Paying it back is something done not "in kind" but by filling a need for them when that need arises. I guess I had already done that once, but still. . . this was bigger. Plus, she sent us home with dessert!
After school today the girls and I were walking off campus and there was a bake sale and an ice cream truck. It was a beautiful day, so I stopped at the bake sale even though I hate breaking twenties at fundraisers and I got the anticipated fistful of ones. They were happy and it was so nice that I thought to myself "I love my life." Sure, I have things I can complain about and I have problems like everyone else but at this point in my life I must say that my problems are not "big" problems. I am happy and healthy as are my wife and children. I have a wonderful family and love my in-laws. I have wonderful friends all over the world. Even if I felt I had something to complain about it would be pretty empty considering all the good that I have. Today I feel very rich. . . and I haven't even gotten the tax return yet!
Enough of that happy stuff. Time to bust your butt.
The WOD:
20 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP)
50 Double Unders
10 Pullups and/or Pushups-- you choose
15 Back extensions
20 Knees to Elbows
The Double Unders could be a 400 meter run or 500 meter row if you have that capability. 800 meter bike. Double Unders just seem to fit within the confines of a gym or a garage better.
Ione's team is the Leprechauns. They are green and the final choices came down to Leprechauns or Shamrocks. Pretty funny. The banner should be cool. Charles and I might have planted those seeds.
ReplyDeleteI believe people, at some point in their existence, will have all the layers of the world pulled back for them. For some it will come in the final minutes of living, and they will be given something truly remarkable to help dull the pain of an existence spent inside the traps that we have been creating since the dawn of time. Others realize much sooner that these creations are part of a seperate existence. They are the frame around a masterpiece, there, but nothing more than some wood to hide the rough edges. When you realize that the frame is just the frame, then you can begin to focus on what truly makes a masterpiece.
ReplyDeleteFood, shelter, clothing and water is all that is needed to thrive. They are paint, things necessary to make something remarkable.
So if you are an open mind, and the onion has been peeled away and you realize what is and isn't necessary, enjoy it and gently show other people how to arrive there.
Gary, I love you.
ReplyDeleteIt is your kindness being repaid to you. You deserve it. And I love that your girls are seeing you repaid in kind for what you have done for others. Pay it forward, indeed!
G: Jenn is on to something. . . .
ReplyDeleteThe Leprechauns make me smile. That is too cute. Any redheads on the team?
ReplyDeleteI'm pooped to recount my WODs. Just too pooped. . . .
No redheads, but there is a little girl named Shaundi with an Irish last name that I will omit since she is a child and this is the internet. Her Dad looks irish. Mom doesn't. It is kind of funny. Gwen's team in Kansas (first season) was the "Irish." What is up with the recurring Irish themed team names?
ReplyDeleteWait, there is a little boy who is sort of strawberry-blonde red. It didn't register because he has been wearing a hat when I see him. I might have to see if I can find some little black hats or a "pot-o-gold" for the team picture. That would be cute, right?
ReplyDeleteTotally cute! Do it. :)
ReplyDeleteI am watching three extra little ones (all under 5 today). And my girlfriend brought her two (ages 4 & 6). That is nine kids, all seven and under. Plus the seven neighbor kids that come and go. With that... My friend and I did five or six rounds. I am terrible at the counting/timing thing. In 22 minutes, with kid interruptions.
50 Double Unders (we did 50 singles and sprinted 400m)
10 Pullups and/or Pushups (pushups, pretty ones on my knees)
15 Back extensions (on a big ball)
20 Knees to Elbows (these are HARD!)
If I could fit it in today, I should never have an excuse!
Saturday, 31 Mar 12
5 Rounds for Time
5 Pullups-L: 5; Ca: 5 then 6
10 Pushups
15 Kettlebell Swings: 12#
Run 400 meters--we weren't able to do these due to no cardio machines available during the WOD
7 mins of abs: Situps, plank, side plank, side plank, flutter kicks, crunches, v-sits
Then we did elliptical afterward: 10-15 mins + cooldown on level 5-10.
#1 #2
5 20 Burpees
10 20 Inverted burpees--we had to switch to pushups
15 20 Overhead squats: 45#
20 20 Box jumps
25 20 Knees to elbows
30 20 Double unders: I did singles
35 20 Thrusters: 45#--Brian did push press the first round
40 20 Walking lunges
45 20 Dips: I did bench
50 20 Situps
275 200
Brian: 1-11:25; 2-?
Lisa: 1-16:52; 2-16:12
I was smoked. The second round seemed to take more out of me than the first. I was just pooped, but I still did my last (8) burpees when I got back to the room.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
ReplyDeleteI did the same WOD Jenn did, without all the munchkins! No excuses.
20 min AMRAP (2 rds)
50 DU
10 Pushups then pullups (5)
15 Back extensions
20 V-sits then KTE
Yes, I only got through (2) rounds. After my disaster with DUs yesterday--birthing three children has not been kind to those muscles--I needed to overcome. So, I prepared and succeeded!
Sunday, 1 April 2012
ReplyDeleteWe had planned to run last night, just a nice, slow run and THEN . . . well, I was fired up and so I ran HARD. Ferris asked me to slow down. It's amazing what capacity anger has to get me going. I sweated like a pig, showered quick and headed to Palm Sunday mass. I was in Krakow this time last year.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Candis and I decided to try to find our maxes:
Bench: Ca-145; L-125
Squat: Ca-215; L-135
Deadlift: Ca: 215; L-195
Total: Ca-575; L-455
Then I finished up with my 35 burpees!
L ~ I hope you ran out that anger.
ReplyDeleteAll, I hurt my back. From shoulders to knees I look like a slithering snake. Nothing is lined up. It hurts. I'm out for a short time.
"Fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering." -Yoda
ReplyDeleteJenn: I did . . . for the most part. It's lessened to bitterness. What did you do to your back? Have you seen a doctor? Chiropractor? Take care of yourself!
ReplyDeleteJon: One of the guys in my office has a Star Wars sound clicker thing that he likes to click at clutch times during the conversation. Ridiculous. . . . Point taken--and I was hurting after the run!
Tuesday, 3 Apr 12
100 Pullups: L: 6-7-8 assisted; Ca: 7 assisted
100 Pushups: Straight leg
100 Situps: AbMat
100 Squats: Air
L: 26:50; Ca: 27:12
I had been mentally preparing; Candis was surprised this morning. We don't like Angie--she's not our style! I struggled on the pullups; Candis on the pushups. The air squats had our legs SCREAMING. It is over and it was good . . . until tomorrow. Curses!