Thursday, April 19, 2012


It wasn't all that long ago that I thought blogs were useless and stupid.  My opinion was that it was just an outlet for the extremely narcissistic or those with delusions that someone was going to spot their blog and pay them boatloads of money to write a column for (insert publication here).

My view has changed.  I have numerous friends who write blogs.  I write a blog.  I have always been a "letter writer" but that was because I believed in leaving "footprints" and allowing people to digest what I had to say on their own time and terms.  Phone calls are so forced.  "Here is what I have to say whether you like it or not."  That isn't always the case as somtimes conversations ramble.  Typically one person or the other sets the agenda for a conversation whether face to face or via telephone.  It is just how it must be.  When the magical conversations happen is when both people are at the same place and interested in the same topic.  I love it when this happens.  I am not a fan of being probed or explored, but through a good conversation I will open up to people and tell them things about myself that are normally reserved for those closest to me.  Letters, however, allow you to pour your soul out for the recipient to absorb.  They can read it once or mutliple times.  They can share it with others and discuss.  They can respond thoughtfully when they have time to do so.  This is how it is with blogs. 

Recently I learned that Jenn's back must be better because she pushed her car.  I also learned that a guy I grew up with did the same things I did, but with a whole different circle of people.  I have learned that potty humor never gets old.  I have learned that some people take a long hiatus from their blogs.  Mostly I learned that I have even more friends that write blogs.  One of those friends had written about her beekeeping and was the "advisor" for my little bee removal project.  Blogs are like letters to everyone. 

I am still a little too private to reveal my entire soul as I do in letters to family and friends. . . but I am getting there.  Little by little.  I have learned to appreciate them.  It is like going to someone's Facebook wall to see what is up with them, but you get a lot more insight and a lot fewer Farmville requests. 

So what is the point of all of this?  Getting to know people.  It is a truly wonderful thing.  I have had the fortune to know all of my grandparents pretty well.  I lost them at 21, 29, and 36 respectively with my grandmother still living.  She and I write LOTS of letters.  My two grandfathers served in World War II.  The stories from one were plentiful and the other not as much.  I have been reading lately about the battles that I have the personal narratives for.  It is so fascinating to get to know the man this way.  There are things I read that connect dots.  It is an amazing experience.  I am lucky to have it, but only have it because I took time to get to know him over the years.  I am inspired to investigate more about the other grandfather.  I am sure I can.  I am finding a tremendous amount of joy and inspiration in reading the contextual stories to the personal narratives that I have recorded to memory. 

So in reading the blog of someone, is it possible to discern what it is exactly they are going through?  Perhaps.  Maybe I reveal more than I realize.  I know that some of my friends tell amazing stories that allow me to understand where they are at.  It is impossible for me to know if I am giving the same gift of myself.  I try. 

The WOD:

Push Press
post loads to comments


For time:
20 Pullups
40 Burpees
60 Pushups
80 Squats
100 Situps
post time to comments


  1. In response to the previous thread...

    I loved your words, Gary! "I appreciate you more in your absence than anyone there appreciates you in your presence." Truly awesome.

    And today...

    I blog better than I letter write. I aspire to write letters. I rarely get it done. It is on my short to-do-for-self-improvement list.

  2. Very well written Gary. I was the same way when I startd my blog, I thought they were useless and just a soapbox but I really just got back into writing after my mom passed in January, it was suggested to do it as an outlet, but as I wrote more, I realized I actually enjoy writing.

    By the way...speaking of potty humor, there are stories I could share from our short time working together at C.S.R.

  3. Kevin, there are stories from those years that would mortify mere humans. There was a whole band of us that were absolutely crazy. I look back on it and find myself shaking my head. I guess we turned out okay. Maybe there is some magic to blowing off steam when you are young. For my part those years were probably from about 14-22. A few minor incidents sprinkled throughout my 20s but around age 26 or 27 when our first child was born I shored things up a bit. I will still admit to "blowing off steam" from time to time. Just not in the same way. I still like to have fun. Fun is king. My interests and ideas of fun have matured though. Thanks for the comments. I am glad that I took the time to read your blog and I am happy that you took the time to check out mine. If you are looking for a workout plan. . . I will make you stronger than you ever imagined.

  4. Jenn,

    Thanks. I think I have just started to realize that there isn't much point in spending energy on people who don't deserve it. I am still very amiable, but I choose who to invest in a little more carefully than I did 20 or even 10, heck 5 years ago.

  5. Jenn, I am not sure if I am properly "following" your blog. I did that "feedburner" thing. I couldn't find a "button" for just following.

    I have the URL so it doesn't matter, but I figured I would try to add my name to your "followers."

  6. 115-125-135-140-145 for the Push Press. I know I have done 145 before I am not sure if I have done 155 or 165 I would have to find my lost notebook. I cleaned before my parents came and haven't seen it since. It has an awful lot of WOD stuff and PRs in it.

    Anyway, the metcon took me 19:12. Pullups and squats were easy. The pushups and situps killed me today. Those pushups are sneaky hard following burpees. I barely outran pukey the clown on both the pushups and situps today. It is getting hot here now so that changes things. I definitely need to do more running, biking and such. My CV&Re needs some work (cardiovascular and respiratory). Okay, tomorrow is socccer and the weekend so it will be WOD makeup. I will come up with something to write.

  7. Saturday, 21 April 2012

    Okay, so I missed that we were supposed to do something before what Candis named "Suck WOD."

    Colleen finished in 15-something.
    Candis finished in 19-something.
    I finished at 19:54.

    Colleen and I were both pleased that we were 40 burpees till our 54 goal for today; Candis was not nearly as joyful. We all agreed that the pushups were terrible. And the air squats were wreaking havoc on my quads.

    BUT . . . today I re-found my motivation--a much-needed find. I decided to add a little running at the end--the treadmills are up and operational--and then the MMA guys walked in while I was sweating my ass off. Pretty good stuff. We are all going to WOD again this afternoon, #6. Woohoo!

  8. There is a WOD called "Suck." "95 pound Suck" to be precise. I will make sure to get that in here for you guys.

    I am going to have to start working on CVRE (I misstated before it is Cardiovascular and respiratory Endurance. . . I left off endurance). Right now that is probably holding back my times. My strength is decent but my wind suffers. I need to be running more.

    Motivation is a tricky thing. When you have it you need to roll with it as it tends to build. When you don't have it, well, it is tough to get it going.

    The Burpees is something I am mindful of and I try to work them in for you. I think it is time for some sort of challenge. Maybe a Pushup Challenge or a Pullup challenge. I am thinking 2 minutes of max reps of each to start out each day for "x" days. We will see.

  9. PM WOD

    Saturday, 22 April 2012

    Box jumps

    Candis and I went for it! And it was terrible.

    She finished about (10) reps before I did. Total time: 22:17.

    I couldn't get her to run with me afterwards but we did have dinner with the UFC guys. Woohoo!

  10. Awesome! Faster than I thought. I like having some times to "compete with" when I start.

  11. Crap! It took me 23:13. I probably could have pushed out the 56 seconds, but I thought you guys did it in 19 minutes for some reason. I dogged a little on the round of 30 because I knew I wasn't going to make 19. Dammit! You should never dog.

    Gwen did 30-20-10
    of Box Jumps, Pushups and Squats
