Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tea Cups

Maybe one of you will be able to tell me what story this is.  The priest at church today was the old "pastured pastor."  He is entertaining and always surprises in that he isn't "old school." 

The homily today he talked about a children's story with a talking tea cup.  The tea cup told its story to grandparents shopping for a gift.  The grandparents had commented on its beauty.  The tea cup replied, "I wasn't always beautiful."  The tea cup told a story of being wet, ugly and formless clay.  It told of being plopped on a wheel and being spun around until it was disoriented and wanting to be ill.  It pleaded for the potter to stop.  Not yet.  The tea cup told of being punched and poked and formed and how that hurt.  The tea cup begged for the pain to stop.  Not yet.  The tea cup told of being put into the furnace and encountering heat so intense that it didn't think it could survive.  Stop!  Not yet.  Then the tea cup told of being painted by a woman and encountering noxious paint fumes and being overwhelmed.  The tea cup begged for it to stop.  Not yet.  The tea cup then told of being placed back into the furnace, but the heat was even hotter and more intense than before.  Please stop. 

The tea cup was not always beautiful.  The tea cup suffered through a great deal of pain.  Once the pain passed, the beauty remained.

So it is with life. So it can be with Crossfit.  We will suffer through some pain.  We will feel as if we cannot endure anymore.  If we don't quit, if we allow ourselves to go through the pain, that pain will pass.  When that pain passes, the beauty will remain. 

Knees to Elbows
Thrusters (95/65)


  1. Tuesday, 24 April 2012

    Almost didn't get up this morning. Really didn't want to.

    5-5-3-3-1 Shoulder Press: 65-75-80
    10s OHS (Lt bar only):KBS (12#)

    So, I have an issue. I cannot clean anything of substance. I had to put the above weights on the squat rack IOT lift it. It is too painful. I'll get that looked at when I get home.

    Due to one light bar, Colleen and I had to modify the WOD to make it work. I would have put at least 10 kg or more on the bar for OHS--I also would have used a heavier KB, if I had one--but I went with the flow. I love overhead squats especially after I am stretched out.

    I did my 56 burpees and left the gym very dissatified like, "Why did I bother getting up?" But at least I did get up and did something.

    I REALLY need to get my bingeing under control. Yesterday, it was a sleeve of Thin Mints, two Cokes, four fun size chocolate bars + peanut butter, four Do-Si-Dos and two Oreos. Really? Really. I would be so much further ahead if I didn't do this shit.

  2. Tuesday, 24 April 2012

    Ran 3.0/walked 1.5 miles with Phil.

    Wednesday, 25 April 2012

    *With Thunderlab!

    3 RFT
    23 Bench: 65#
    23 Shoulder press: 45#
    23 Abs: Variety

    Didn't really calculate the time--we were working on teamwork with Shaima and Lauren instead. Good safety/spotting practices. Those shoulder presses hurt today.

    *Ran BFL intervals (Treadmill, 1.0 elevation, 5.0-8.0)

    *57 Burpees

    Good morning. Really good workout!

  3. 14-ish for the K2E and Thruster WOD @95#. Sucked.

  4. Thursday, 26 April 2012

    Colleen and I did the KTE/thruster (L: 45#/C: 30#) WOD this AM.

    L: 7:53
    C: Right about there, too.

    I was on a shitty bar. Terrible. I need some squishy tape. I spent more energy trying not to slip off the damn things.

    *59 burpees

    *Elliptical, Around the World, Level 10, 20 + 5 mins, 2.9 miles.

    Not a bad day overall. I just eat like crap.

  5. Yesterday:

    Back Squats 165-185-190-195-200 (5x5)
    Then 200 Double Unders-- 8:15
    Shoulder Press 95-105-110F-95-100-105
    then 10:2, 8:4, 6:6, 4:8, 2:10 Overhead Squats and KBS
    OHS@75# and KBS@53#--5:45

  6. I found my notebook! Turns out that 200# for 5 rep Back Squat and 105 for 5 rep Shoulder Press are both PRs. At least my strength is good. My CvRe is rubbish at the moment. I can feel that I haven't been running with the three girls off school for the past month. At the end of the last few metcons my heart pounds and I struggle to breathe. It will come back in time. I am just so angry at the slippage in the month of April.

  7. CvRE. Sorry. The shoulder press were 5-5-3-3-1. The fail was at a 3 attempt as the 105 on the 5 right before was obviously aggressive as it was a PR. My lumbar mobility could use some work as I discovered in loaded OHS. Time to start foam rolling recreationally.

    At some point my right shoulder is going to have to be repaired. I just don't know if I should do it sooner or later. Probably the best place to start would be to see a doctor. I can do all of the movements, but I know it limits me. Pullups are the #1 movement where I feel it. I am just so afraid of all the capacity I will lose in recovery. I am convincing myself it would be a good time to knock out some more marathons. Triathlons would be out. Maybe some duathlons or bike events mixed with running. I don't have time for that right now though.

  8. You have to weigh out if you need your shoulder at 100% or not. If its the workout thats bringing out the pain, than you need to back off on that workout for 1-2 weeks until pain subsides and feels more "normal". It may be something as simple as some light ligament damage, and you may be constantly inflamming it (its what happens with my knee, and I really irritated it when I was in San Diego), but after a week it was better. If pullups are bothering you, lay off for a couple of weeks, and then bring them back in slowly. If you can do a pullup with out seeing white, than it might not need surgery. Surgery is not the end all, and it may make it less mobile than it is now. I suggest you give it two weeks, then swim half a mile, and see how it feels in the next 2-4 days. If its not bad, than live with it. I messed mine up in a car accident (white truck) and it has been marginal since. Shoulder surgery can go badly rather quickly, so think hard on it.

  9. I have been putting off it off for those very reasons. It has been bad for a long time (think high school baseball) but it suffered a rather painful episode in the softball touirnament at Leavenworth where I was playing shortstop for the Marine team and made a relay throw from short center to the plate to nail the runner. Awesome throw, but thankfully I didn't have to make another throw the rest of the way (it was the last game). It had been improving for pretty much the entire time I was in Kansas, but then sometime in February I was throwing snowballs at the neighbor Greg's truck as he drove up the road. Mistake. I laid off pullups long enough that I can no longer string together the numbers I once could. It doesn't matter. I have finally resorted to modifying my grip on pullups. I closed it up. I can't do as many unbroken, but I don't hurt. I still do wide grip deadhang pullups to start out each workout because it is really the kipping that hurts it. Knees to elbows and toes to bar are killer also. I could live with being slow in those movements, but it is the fact that raising my arms above my head hurts and that it literally feels like it is going to fail me on some lifts that concerns me. I am torn between not wanting to take time off and thus lose strength and conditioning and wondering if I am holding myself back by not getting it fixed. of course I have been suffering from neck pain on the affected side for several months also. I wonder if it would be mildly better if I saw a bonecrusher. I am not a big fan of medicine and altering one's body. So this dilemma just lingers. I subscribe to the "old yankee school" of going to the doctor when you HAVE to go. Not much preventative medicine on this guy. Dental, yes. I have had physicals for the past few years running surprisingly. I think I am just worried that "put 'a' in and get 'x' result, which then needs to have 'b' put in, but increases risk of 'y.'"

    Don't worry, I won't be doing anything soon. I know better than to lay myself up when there are three kids counting on me and an old dog that needs to be lifted into the car and out of the car for her appointments.
