Tuesday, January 24, 2012

25 January 2012

The WODs are lining up nicely for the sore quads. . . I wonder if that was planned?  Hmmm.  Whoever is programming this must be brilliant. 

So the WOD for the 25th:

Double Unders

This should be fun.  That is a lot of pushups to try and do quickly.  Very doable, but challenging.

I have noticed a lot of talk on various Crossfit sites about the 95 pound suck.  It has that name for a reason, but it would be very weak to not program it at some point.  I remember doing the suck with Colonel Monroe in Kansas.  I think we did it at 75 but it still sucked.  I just want to get you prepared.  Deadlifts, squats, push press and hang cleans. . . 21-18-15-12-9.  Sounds awesome right?  File that one in your notebook for a rainy day if I don't get a WOD up!  I will pick a good occasion to mix that in.  The only way it could be better is if you had to do it with a hangover.  Of course you would probably risk rhabdo with dehydration. . . bad idea.  I will definitely wait until legs are recovered.  It qualifies as a chipper in case you were wondering.

The house smells like a skunk.  I don't know if there is one lurking outside and the house isn't airtight or if Sierra has nasty gas. 

State of the Union tonight.  Gwen watched some of it with me.  It was probably one of the best speeches I have seen the President give.  My inner cynic has to ask "for what."  D.C. is broken.  He had high praise for the men and women in uniform and encouraged Congress to work cooperatively as if they were in battle.  Great speech, but as I said. . . we'll see.


  1. D.C. isn't broken, its actually coming back around. To call it broken is to give up on this great experiment of democratic origins. People are trying, you just might not see them. Try Bernie Sanders from Vermont, check his website out and say D.C. is broken after that. Progress is being made, one way or the other. I say that because my biggest issue I thought should be dealt with is the health care situation in this country. It is being dealt with. Hooray D.C., and maybe they just need to touch on something that you feel needs to be dealt with.
    Be the change you wish to see.

  2. I wouldn't say I have given up. . . I would say that I am sick of gridlock. Whether it is on the freeway or in Congress it is aggravating. In a traffic jam I straddle lanes until it clears up. Unfortunately there is no way for me to force changes in Congress. All I can do is try to change my little bubble/sphere and make it better. No delusions of grandeur, just a patient and hard-working approach where I aim to set a good example for those around me and inform those who wish to be informed about the issues I care about. At this point I think that the health care epidemic is pretty close to my sphere. If people eat better and move their bodies more the cost of health care will plummet because we will start being well instead of being ill. When that happens we will be more productive because we have more energy. When we are more productive things will be better even if it is only in how people feel about themselves. I don't believe people on welfare want to be there. . . I think they are there because they have been "institutionalized" by a system that makes going that route seem like their best option. I believe in the goodness of humanity. I see it everywhere around me every day. . . except for when I turn an eye to politics and see big money and lack of discourse. Sure there are great people involved, but a lot of them have been "institutionalized" and the best way they know how to survive is to perpetuate the dischord and ratchet up the intensity on the disagreements. Until they are given an environment that allows them to be the best version of themselves things will never be as good as they can be. This is why I view it as broken. Not because there aren't good people. . . quite the contrary I think that they are good people in a bad situation. It makes money to be a loud-mouthed loose cannon. Money wins elections. I hope you have some insight as to things coming back around. Me? I am taking the wait and see approach to all of it.

  3. Went to Total Crossfit at noon today. It was a prescribed rest day so Ben and I cooked up a WOD for those who showed up.

    5 RFT
    500 meter row
    10 GHD situps
    10 Pullups
    10 Wallballs

    The row was actually Rx'd as a 400m run, but I didn't want to leave the gym as Tessie was with me. I did the 500m row and it was brutal. 25:00

  4. Crap. I just deleted my post for tomorrow. Stupid lap top.

    Bologna. Nuts. It was long.

  5. 17:27 for this WOD. Double Unders killed me early and pushups killed me late. By the time I found the groove on DUs I was pretty much shot on pushups. I think I need to work in more pushups. The 20 I do in warmup every day is evidently not enough to keep me ready for high volume.
