Monday, January 9, 2012

January 10, 2012

We depart for Joshua Tree National Park in a few moments.  Gwen is at Hana's birthday party. 

WOD for tomorrow is for everyone. . .

Box Jumps
Air Squats

Tabata works like this:

For the first 20 seconds do as many box jumps as possible.
Rest 10 seconds.
20 second of work
10 second rest

Do this for two minutes (4 rounds) or each exercise before moving on to the next.  Keep track of all reps.

The score for a Tabata is the lowest number of reps of the 4 rounds for each exercise.  For example I do 20, 21, 19, and 17 Air Squats.  My score is 17.  Each of the 4 movements is scored the same.


  1. Checking in from the hotel in Twentynine Palms. Safely arrived on the first leg of our journey to Joshua Tree. Beautiful full moon over the high desert tonight.

  2. Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012


    (You are impressed I remembered, aren't you?)

    For your birthday, I did Tabata with Stephanie. She was a trooper. Good for her!

    My overall score was 36; hers was 32--not too bad for a first time CrossFitter. My ass is still chapped from AbMat situps earlier this week so that slowed me down along with some weirdness in my right knee from too-heavy deadlifts. I've got some swelling on top of my knee cap--I have no idea what that's all about. I'll likely modify the 10:2 WOD later in the week to something other than deadlifts. We'll see.

    Yesterday was a rest day so I slept in until 0600. Ooh. . . .

    I hope you, Jonny and the girls are enjoying JTNP. Big weekend coming up!
