Friday, January 20, 2012

Weekend WODs

In no particular order for the weekend here is what I recommend. 

5 Handstands or Handstand Pushups
15 Pullups
25 Dips
35 Pushups
45 Seconds of L-Sit

Buy-in of one minute of holding the plank position.

3 Rounds For Time
Hop on Each foot 15 Times
15 Burpees
50 Situps

Lisa,  I will try and get you out a week's worth of WODs tonight when the kids are in bed.  We grilled up some wonderful pork chops tonight.  Very thick.  The propane tank kicked on my birthday but I filled it to finish grilling that night.  Good thing. . .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Talk to me about the "l-sit"--what is this? Grazie.

  3. L-sit is when you lift up your feet into a pike position. I had you do them on the patio chairs, remember? You can use parallettes if they have them there. Parallel bars, rings or anything else you can raise your feet up works.

    My legs were shot and I rested them today. I could have probably done the handstand WOD but was afraid my kickup would fail and leave me in a heap. Tomorrow AM I will hit one of them, or something else. Some situps, pushups and pullups for sure. I will see what else my legs are up for. I don't think it was the 400 squats as much as it was how fast I did them. I could use some cherry juice, but didn't want to buy any. I ate some red grapes, but probably not enough to help. I have apple cider, but doubt that would work. Whiskey should get it done! Kidding. Maybe. I bought some new beer from Sierra Nevada today. It is a rye beer called Ruthless Rye. I traded in the bottles and cans from last week. I "donated" the liquour bottles because I only had three and those and wine go for a different rate. Now I know to save them for the future. Collect up the booze bottles until I have a barrel full.

  4. I tried the deadlift with kids. Claire (40 pounds), Allison (50 pounds) and John (60 pounds). It will work until I get a bar. Or something.

    Your first note about the EMOTM squats scared me. I did 10/10. I did 10 in 30 secs for every round. By the end I was working hard, but not near muscle failure. My legs are tight tonight, but they are functioning. I should have done 15 or 20 rounds. Lesson learned.

    Lots of info. Hopefully it is the info you wanted.

  5. I still am struggling to walk Jenn. You made the right decision. I am thinking a few days off and too much alcohol last week is the true culprit. . . but I am sore. I have been doing a lot of stretching today to try and get things moving for tomorrow.

  6. I want to tell you how awesome it is that you deadlifted your kids. My kids love being used as weightlifting implements. I am sure yours did too. Once you do it, the next few days they want it all the time. I guess that will make us stronger.

  7. I did 5 Rounds of 20 situps and 10 pushups in 4:40 today. My legs are still not 100 percent.

  8. I am on an every-other-day schedule. Next month I will work on making it every day!

    My legs are a bit more sore than I expected from my 10/10s. I had to catch myself my with hands as I nearly toppled over genuflecting at church today. :)

    The kids loved being my exercise equipment. I must be aware of full range of motion when I use them, because they 'help' me by sticking their limbs up in the air before I start my lift.

    Do you have a suggestion for a jump rope? I think I am going to order one for Spence and one for me.

    I see my primary care about my aching old-lady hip Thursday.

  9. For jump ropes it depends on what kind of surface you will be jumping rope on. If you are jumping on asphalt or concrete go with a plastic/rubber type. The coated cable ropes are awesome, but they will deteriorate on asphalt, concrete or hard earth. I have a cable rope for in the "gym" and a cheapo plastic one for at home. Today I used some at the Crossfit gym here. They had some with big handles (I am definitely not a fan of big handles) and then some small handles (much better). The big handle when I flipped the rope it would hang up on my wrist. Anyway. . . the most important thing is the length. If you go to the Rx Jumprope site they tell you how to measure it. The easiest way is to stand on the rope and hold the handles in each hand. You should be able to hold the rope comfortably where you will be "flipping" it from. I believe my cable is 106" and the plastic is a hair shorter. Length is very important. If you can practice with pieces of rope around your house until you determine the length you are comfortable with that would help. It turns out my plastic rope is 106 also. I believe they tell you to start with 8 feet and add one inch for every inch over 5 feet tall you are. Lisa has a 106 however. I would not go any longer than that. You could get away with shorter if you are comfortable with that.

    I hope that helps.

  10. I did these two WODs back to back today. Like I said, there was no way I would rest on a Friday.

    I did the L-sit buy in and 3 RFT WOD first. Situps were killer. My achilles tendons are sore today. . . the jumping and burpees let me know that. 11:10 for the time.

    The "mini-chipper" I did in 7:25. The 45 seconds of L-sit at the end tore me up after the L-sit and situps of the first WOD. I did the HSPU but each one was a new handstand so I did 5 handstands with one HSPU each. Covering all of my bases.

    I am generally fatigued. I know my nutrition is off. I have been "finishing up" Raisin Bran so it is double duty of dairy and grain. I think after being off of that stuff for a bit and going back on I am getting torn up. I need to get refocussed. I am going to post our own "Paleo challenge" on here next week. Scoring system and all.
