Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11, 2012

5 Round for Time

Run 400 meter
5 Pullup
10 Dips


  1. Wednesday, 11 January 2012

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GARY! (If you didn't see my wishes on 10 January 2012 posting.)

    I was going to blow off the WOD--no pun intended--for tomorrow, but since there is a decent bit of running, I'm there! I need some cardio, for sure. My running partner has been in Kabul for a few days.

    I can't wait to hear JTNP stories. . . .

  2. Here we go. Procrastination over. I am going to do a work out.

  3. I started with TABATA. It seemed do-able.

    box jumps - 0 (Yep, 0. I cannot doa single two footed box jump up onto that thing. I don't know if it is mental or physical. I will keep working. I did *try* and endd up doing some silly looking leaps. Score for leaps - 9.)

    push ups - 0 (Uh huh. I cannot do a proper push up with good form. And I refuse to do really wide arms or horrible form. So I tried, failed and then did them on my knees. Modified score - 5.)

    situps - 9 (I think. Remind me, what does a CF situp look like?)

    squats - 0 (Are you seeing the pattern here??? I held on to a rail and I 'accepted' a bit of help from said rail. With help - 9.)

    I tried to sit down and write this note right after the workout. HAHAHAHAHA. I couldn't sit; my legs were on fire.

    My goal is to do SOMETHING every day. A good surf is going to count as cardio sometimes.

    @G - I hope you and the girls are having a great vacay.

    @L - I am reading!!! Thank you.
