Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Balloon Animals

Simple pleasure and brilliant management of an establishment sometimes come together to make perfect moments.  After a walk on the beach in front of the Hotel Del Coronado we went to Coronado Brewing for dinner.  Turns out that Tuesday is "kids night" and two kids eat free for every adult entree.  Bonus.  Well, as you can imagine this place was jammed with kids.  It looked more like Chuck E. Cheese than it did a brewpub, but it was so awesome!  They had hired a balloon artist to make balloon animals for the kids.  This guy was incredible.  He made some things out of balloons that most people couldn't even draw.  I was fishing for money to give him before he was done.  He worked fast, efficiently and with incredible artistic prowess.  He was built like a Crossfitter, but I couldn't think of a comfortable way to ask him.  All the same, it was an impressive display.  Someone who is managing Coronado Brewing has their act together.  Not only are children welcome but they go above and beyond to make you feel as if they WANT your children there.  Mental note made. 

Tomorrow we will go ahead and do 2012 Crossfit Games WOD #2

10 minutes as far through the progression as possilble

30 Snatch (75 for men and 45 for women)
30 Snatch (125/85)
30 Snatch (165/115)
Max Reps Snatch @ 210/135

I hope to make at least 31 reps.  I know I can do 30 at 75, but I am not sure what the reps at 125 will look like after 30 ahead of them.  We will see.


  1. Wednesday, 7 Mar 2012

    Clean: L/Ca: 45#; Co: Lt bar + 10 kg total
    Dips: L: 2x5 ass/1xbench; Ca/Co: Bench
    Back extensions/Supermans: L: 2xExt/1xSM

    Ca: 7:30
    Co: 11:15
    L: 15:20

    Candis was flying; Colleen "wasn't feeling it" on the cleans; and I was slow as molasses. I must rest!

    See? That is brillance displayed by Coronado Brewing. I hadn't considered the "special events"--classic. I'm so glad that your timing was right. Those are great moments.

  2. Okay. The 30 snatches at 75# were awesome. That portion of the program took me 3:21. I switched the weights and had the bar loaded by the 4:18 mark. I am not sure why I was in such a big hurry. I was able to complete exactly ZERO reps at 125. I made several attempts until I was nearing the 6 minute mark. I knew I had been licked so I shut off my watch and did 30 GHD situps. I think 125 is my PR on snatch and it may even be 115. I am sure that I went into a deep squat at the bottom I could have made, but a bar loaded with a PR is not time for working on your technique. I learned that from Colonel Monroe. So my score for the snatch WOD is 30. Pitiful. I would have done clean and jerks at 125, but it said snatch and not "anyway possible to overhead" so I took my 30. There is always room to improve. I obviously wouldn't have been advancing to the regionals this year with that performance. More skill work identified.
