Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 28, 2012

Any day now the kegerator should arrive.  The "out of stock" until date was March 27.  That means they should be back in stock now and I ordered some time ago. 

P.E. for the kindergarten kids is a smashing success.  I think that I have even captured the imagination of one of the teachers as it seemed as if she had done some research on some of the exercises since last week.  She had familiarized herself with the proper form and technique on the squat and thrusters.  I guess my comment to the kids above "moving well when you get old" left an impression.  One of the Moms at school came up to me this morning and said she had checked out the Crossfit website and asked "is all of that information free?"  Yup.  Now trainers are not free, nor is equipment.  However if you know someone who is nice and is passionate about spreading Crossfit you just might get more for free than most people. 

The WOD:

3 Rounds for Time
7 Hang Power Cleans
14 Box Jumps
21 Situps

The Cleans should be sufficiently difficult so set a higher load.  There are only 7 per round and 21 total so try to push it a bit.  The other two movements are a snap, so your time will be amazingly fast if you don't push yourself a little on the HPC.  That said, don't hurt yourself.  If you are still working the movement then keep it light, move slowly and deliberately to work on your mechanics.  I will go at least 135 and will try a "test clean" at 155 to see if that is worth trying.  Hopefully I feel "strong" and don't do any less than that now that I opened my mouth.  Of course, now that I think about, hang is tougher than from the floor as there is less momentum.  Hmmm.  I will see I guess.  Power means you don't have to squat as part of the movement but feel free to do a squat clean if it tickles your fancy. 



  1. I met a friend at the track today. It was packed with a crowd doing some running test. So we herded ou 7 kids into the softball field and this is what we did...

    5 rounds (as usual I forgot to start/stop my watch)
    Sprint from the fence behind the plate to the centerfield fence
    5 pushups
    10 squats
    15 situps
    Sprint back
    5 handstands against the fence
    10 squats
    15 situps

    Total,10 sprints, 25 pushups, 25 handstands, 100 squats and 150 situps. Most of the kids joined in. Awesome. :)

  2. Very cool and innovative Jenn. That is what makes Crossfit great! All we have to do is combine some exercises and do it fast! Of course we want to improve in all sorts of things, but that doesn't impede us from making fun workouts to fit the stuff around us. One of my favorite workouts was in the hotel pool in Laramie, Wyoming last summer. I did 10 rounds of swim 4 lengths of the pool, 15 squats and 10 pushups. Some people were looking at me funny, but I loved it.

    As far as my basketball dream matchup. . .Minnesota made the final of the NIT, but Massachusetts lost tonight to Stanford. It was so close. Bummer. Now I just need to figure out when the next game is on and I can at least cheer for Minnesota.

  3. G: It's a good thing you are not nefarious because you would be a heck of cult leader.

    Jenn: You and your friend ROCK! And the kids joined in? You are stealing excuses from people with children everywhere.

    G: I do remember that WOD--you looked ridiculous! But I still love you.

  4. G: I am so excited that PE is going so well for you! Are you talking about Mrs Cummings or one of the other teachers? Either way, you rock. I must admit, it is pretty addictive to bring people into the CrossFit circle. So far, I've brought in Stephanie and Colleen and Candis and Brian. I'm still working on a few others!

  5. I was once accused of being a "borderline cult leader" by the Boy Scout executives when I was a kid. All of the kids at summer camp and/or camporees would flock to me. I had kids shaving stripes in their eyebrows, shaving stovepipes into kids with curly hair and all sorts of other harmless but annoying behavior. I remember we actually made these weird necklasses that everyone was wearing. We did it to irritate the Camp Director and his name was Tom. I christened the items "pisstomovs." Everyone wore them. So at least now I am using my "cult leader" abilities for something positive. We had a little cult in college too I guess. "The anti-fraternity fraternity" that was the large of group of friends that I had. Boy, I have sure had a lot of fun in my life. Now if only we can get a gym and brewpub going and create a "cult-like" following amongst our clientele. How awesome would it be? You have a large group of people who show up to workout in the mornings and to drink beer in the evenings? Like a large extended family, right? No Kool-aid allowed though, okay?

    Other news. . . I called the Beermeisters company today to check on the kegerator. The guy that answered the phone said "let me check" and walked to the warehouse. He said, "yours is the first one I cam to and it ships today." I had called to indicate the type of kegs I wanted with it, but somehow they already had cornelius kegs with it. That is what I wanted anyway. My guess is that they send those to homebrewers as from what I have read almost no homebrewers use firestone kegs anymore due to difficulty getting parts.

  6. Ms. McCormick. I think that the teachers are a little sweet on me. I have been given hugs and had them grab my arms when talking to me. I don't really mind. It makes me smile. Today is Ione's conference. Only a handful of us have conferences. None for Gwen. Ugh. Ione can read a fair number of words now but I can totally see her freezing in front of Ms. Cummings. I am fearful. She has been super-motivated lately though. I set her up with a bunch of books with pictures and words and told her to try and learn them in the time I am not working with her. I can't handle more than an hour at night as I get so frustrated when a word we have learned/read is forgotten in a few pages. She gets mad at me because she always wants to read books that are too hard. I tell her to learn on the easy ones before she does that. She thinks she is capable, but what we want is mastery of the basics before we get carried away.

    Playdate today after conferences. Hailey and Keira are coming. I need to do my WOD. I am procrastinating.

  7. I also need to transfer beer and wine. . . the hefeweizen will go into the kegerator. I hope it is good.

    Malbec will be ready to drink by the time you are home.

  8. My realization about the hang cleans proved prophetic. I went with 95#.

    6:29 for the WOD. I got faster each round. Round 1 2:17, Round 2 2:15 and Round 3 1:57.

    I don't think I could have gotten much faster had there been 5 rounds.

  9. Thursday, 29 March 2012

    After yesterday's pyramid, I forgot to do my burpees, so I crafted a WOD specifically to make up for it!

    6 RFT
    10 Burpees
    10 Double unders

    So I got confused and wasn't sure if I had completed 5 or 6 rounds so I did another one for good measure. First time: 15:22; second time: 18:18. An extra 10/10 couldn't hurt, right?

    Colleen crafted her own WOD, too:

    X RFT
    10 Burpees
    20 Air squats
    30 Situps

    Or something like that.

    Candis did the thrusters/pullups/dips pyramid in 24:51 and puked afterwards. That girl is intense.

  10. G: "I think they are sweet on me." Yeah, because you are probably like their son! The good one, of course. Ione. Ione. She will find her own. Just like Jenn said, "Claire will not be having accidents in college." Ione will get there, too. All you can do is help and encourage . . . and not discourage. I was listening to a John Mayer song ("My Stupid Mouth") today and he knew he blew it with what he said so his solution was to not say anything any more. Nope, not the way to go. You must fail in order to learn. It's a process, painful sometimes but necessary. She'll get there . . . with your help and Mrs Cummings' help and Gwen's help and--this summer--my help. Ione will figure it out! I love you.

  11. Ione's reading is coming along it seems. Ms. Cummings is pleased with her math and reading. Her concerns are still numerous. Fine motor skills. Her "vision" and not in the corrective lens sort of way. More in the "center line" and "straight line" when writing, reading and so forth. He said that Ione is easily distracted and not an "independent learner." She is very bright with guidance, but in first grade the kids need to be "independent learners." Personally, my first reaction was "that is code for teachers getting lazy." Ione's comprehension and retention of the subject matter is very strong. It is her retention of actually reading a word that she just read two minutes ago without sounding it out all over again that is a struggle. I was so relieved to hear that the reading gap with her classmates is closing, but at the same time I was very concerned to hear that she isn't able to work on her own. Ione is a very social girl. I know that is part of it. She and Roman. . . . . he is a nice kid, but he and Ione are two peas in a POD. Hailey D. too. I think Clementine might be part of this also. I can tell you pretty fast who the "silly hearts" are from my time spent doing P.E.. The kids who always need to get a drink or go to the bathroom. I think Ione escapes my notice because she doesn't pull that during P.E.. She loves it. She asked me if we were going to start a Crossfit Kids for kids her age. Hmmm. We will have to see. I don't think that there are any more time slots at the gym, Drew and I would have to "split the class" based on age/ability. Maybe. I will bring it up. I didn't think she was interested though.
