Saturday, February 25, 2012


I love oranges.  They are so sweet.  The kids cleared the tangerine tree today.  I told them it was okay to have some. . . I didn't know they would eat them all.  At least I have still oranges to eat. 

The WOD:

"Death by Pushup"
1 pushup the first minute, 2 the second and so forth until you can no longer do the appropriate number in one minute.  If you fail before twenty minutes subtract 5 from the number of your last successful round and do that many pushups until 20 minutes is achieved.  If you can go past 20 then do so. 

If you do twenty minutes successfully it is only 210 pushups.  It is just how fast you can do them. 


  1. Made it through 18 minutes successfully. 14 out of 19 in the 19th minute and the Rx'd 13 in minute 20. It is amazing how hard pushups can get. Starting from 20 and going backwards would be easier. This isn't supposed to be easy however.

  2. 26 Feb 2012

    I made it to 18 on the 20th minute.
    Colleen make it to 17 on the 20th minute.
    Stephanie . . . I have to check!

    Nice. . . .
