Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 8, 2012

Day 3 of 62 in the Paleo Challenge.  I scored another 7 point day.  Lost a point for the kidney beans in the chili.  Other than that it was a clean day of eating and I did the WOD.  Failed to get 8 hours of sleep again.  I read Omnivore's Dilemma until almost 1 AM so it almost feels like that should be worth something.  So for me 14 points after two days.  I am interested to see how I feel and how it continues to evolve.  My last foray into Paleo I was supercharged by the end.  I saw Jenn's score for Monday.  Jonny will post when he returns to work Thursday. . . he has that crazy 4 on 4 off with some 7 and 5 day weekends.  He has the program and is working.  We'll see what he does.  Lisa, you emailed that you were posting your data on Beerbells, but I haven't seen it.  I hope it didn't go the way of that other email you tried to send.  Into the ether. 

For tomorrow. . . keep up the good work on paleolithic eating and also do this WOD:

Hold On Tabata

One arm/one leg plank

4 rounds of each hold.  Hold for twenty seconds.  Rest for 10 seconds.  2 minutes of each is 4 rounds.  4 exercises times 2 minutes each.  This WOD will take 8 minutes.  I plan to have Gwen time my rounds so I don't have to look at my watch.  If you need to take a few seconds to transition between exercises, do it but try to keep it as close to 8 minutes as possible. 

I will make up another WOD during the day or go to the gym.  I will do this when the kids come home so Gwen can time me.  Maybe in the morning? 


  1. G: I'm tallying here on my spreadsheet. I'll send at the end of the week.

    We need more WODs!

    Tuesday, 7 Feb 12

    "Hold on" Tabata

    Wednesday, 8 Feb 12

    21-15-9-3 (All about 11:10!)

    Push press: L: 45#; S: Lt bar w/5 kgs ea; C: 20#
    Dips: L: 6 asst; S: 6-7 asst; C: Bench
    Jump squats

    We all did some cardio afterward as well, varying lengths/levels/machine

  2. WODs coming. I just made up a WOD from who knows when. I may have done it before, but didn't remember and it wasn't on the blog. I checked a bunch of them and it turns out I have done at least 7 or 8 that I have no recollection of. I have now put a check in my notebook for when I have done them. I know better what you have done than what I have done.

    Anyway, I did a 20 minute AMRAP (I love 20 minute AMRAPS) of 10 burpees, 20 Front Squats and 30 double unders. I made 4 rounds plus the 10 burpees and 13 front squats. I finished round 5 after the bell. I would have made 5 in 20, but I started with 95# on the FS and had to drop it to 65# to maintain intensity. 95 x 20 was a lot when you are trying to go fast. I should work on that as "Fran" is 95# thrusters. My energy level is horrible. I need to get my work capacity back up. I will do today's WOD when Gwen comes home to time me. No gym as Tessie is still sick and wanted a nap when we came home from school dropoff. I waited. . . and waited. . . then finally just did a WOD here.

  3. That TABATA was tougher than I thought. 20 seconds can seem like a long time when your muscles are burning.

  4. I take the point for sleep on days I work. I work 6pm-6am this week, plus an hour commute on each end. 14 hours dead, so I am in bed by 8 am, up at 4pm on work days. Coin me a point for +1 for sleep mon-wed, minus 4 on food as I am getting rid of stuff I don't want to eat. No work outs done yet, monday-wednesday next week, and I am going to rocky style it (burpees and hiking? why not) however, I am going to sweep up points with sleep except when I work. I get a week off every 4 weeks, and only work three days a week. Rake is the term I believe. Throw in a couple of workouts and looky looky, Jons got a cookie.

    My goal is to drop 40+ pounds in two months, given my health issues, they allign to my advantage...

    Testosterone: My body no longer makes sufficient amounts. I inject a fair amount once a week. Could allow me to gain a fair amount of muscle while burning a lot of fat.

    Hypothyroid: Yeah, my thyroid gland is starting to tank on me as well, but it would explain my gradual weight gain over the years while not being able to lose it. I am taking pills, just in time for this challenge.

    Diabetes: Insulin is inherently a fat producer. The more insulin I take, the more fat I will store. My advantage is that I know how much insulin my body is getting, and can use that as a barometer of how well my diet is doing. I told my doctor(s) about my diabolical paleo diet challenge, and they were all on board. It avoids high glycemic loads, therefore eliminating the majority of my insulin. Body fat beware. I come armed with science and needles.
