Monday, February 6, 2012

February 7, 2012

Day 2 of 62 of the Paleo Challenge.   Day 1 went pretty well.  My only contraband was that which I had already resigned myself to and that was the kidney beans in the chili.  If that is the worst thing I ate today it was a very good day.  Some nuts, fruit, meat and brocolli rounded it out.  I got through the day with no eggs.  I am going to do my best to use eggs sparingly as it is just such an easy option.  The girls like the nuts and fruit.  They had a pretty clean day too.  They had some cheese and Girl Scout cookies but other than that they were clean. 

The first week or two will be easy.  The real test will be the first time that there is some delectable looking option that is off limits a few weeks in.  It is only 9 weeks and the extra boost of Lent is going to make it so easy.  My hope is that at the end of it all I don't want to go back.  That happened to me 8 years ago when I initially cleaned up my diet.  Now it is about taking it to another level. 

The WOD for tomorrow should be fun.

Run 1 mile.  Every minute do 30 walking lunge steps.  The lunges can count towards the distance.  If using a treadmill I would say you want to do the 30 lunges at the start.  Then run a half or quarter mile and do the required lunges.  Then finish and do the rest.  The time is for completing the full mile and all required lunges.  The minute "zero" is a 30 lunge minute.  If you are really sick you can sub 200 Double Unders for the run.  This WOD will take a little while I think.  I ran today and did the 210 squats so I am thinking this will be interesting.  The blisters on my pinky toes tell me to just stick with the five fingers.  I ran in running shoes for the first time in two plus months.  It didn't work out very well.

Best of luck on the Paleo challenge.  I don't have standings to post yet, but my Day 1 netted me 7 points.


  1. Do the lounges count towards the time? So, say I start at 0:00, run 1 minute then do my lunges and start running again, do I do my next set of lunges at 1:00 or at 1 minute after I completed my last set of lunges?

    I sure hope you understand what I am asking!

  2. The clock runs the whole time. For this very reason I only did 30 lunges for the first three minutes. After the third set of 30 I didn't feel like I ran for that long before the chime on my watch indicated it was time to lunge again. So I went to 20 lunges. My time was 8:56.

    Let me try to explain more concisely. Start your watch, do lunges, run until you hit the one minute mark. Do more lunges, run until you hit the two minute mark. Repeat until 1 mile is covered.

    What I can say is that I find myself pushing hardes in a WOD where going fast directly translates to less work/pain and suffering. My lungs are still on fire and I am guessing they will be for a couple hours. I lunged quickly and with big strides to cover as much ground as possible. Then I ran as fast as I could until the chimes.

    I hope that makes sense. So, yes, the lunges count towards the time. I would suggest going to 20 or you might be lunging in perpetuity by the end.

  3. Paleo Challenge Liberties

    I am playing, but I have to take some liberties as I am limited in my choices.

    For example:

    Breakfast offers powdered eggs and sausage patties as protein options. Processed? Absolutely. Any other options? Absolutely not. If I strictly adhere to the "rules" I lose a point first thing every morning. If they offer hard-boiled eggs, I'll go that route but they don't have them every day. I'm opting NOT to count the powered eggs and sausage patties as processed food in this instance.

    Lunch on the first day offered processed chicken cordon bleu or beef knuckles. I opted for the chicken cordon bleu. I'll count it as I could have chosen the beef knuckles but really didn't want to!

    Do you see my dilemma? What are your thoughts? I'll do what I can and choose wisely but I'm also not going to eat tuna packs--also processed, by definition--three meals a day. See? I'm in Afghanistan, for goodness sake. Cut me some slack!

  4. I think that this is a case of the "spirit of the law" versus the "letter of the law." You can't penalize yourself for not eating beef knuckles! That is crazy. You did your best. You didn't eat a loaf of garlic bread or boxed macaroni and cheese. Chicken is chicken. Take the point. Sausage and eggs isn't bad. Okay, the powdered are probably hydrogenated, but if that is your best option why penalize yourself? If you penalize yourself for that you are just going to become bitter and angry and give up on the whole thing. Do the best you can and take credit for adhering to the spirit of the law. I buy all the groceries in this house so I have no excuse. You have options supplied to you and all you can do is your best.
    Regarding Tuna packs. . . I had a conversation like this with Jonny. I told him that ham is processed. I also told him that if ham is the best option available it is better than a corndog. If you can avoid it, avoid it. While ham is not considered a paleo food it is a better option than a pizza. Lunch meat is the same issue. I am not eating it because I have better options/legal options. I also understand that it is better than fritos. I am going to make some roasts and slice it. I am going to make a turkey and have leftovers. I need to get on the beef. Okay, I hope that helped you with information or easing a conscience.

  5. Lisa, I am sending you some Lara Bars. Nothing peanut. They arent perfect, but GOOD GRIEF powdered eggs? I think I just vomited in my mouth a little.

    I missed the WOD today, or any workout for that matter, but I like the sound of it. Mostly the part where I can go do it on the track while the kids run and jump and act silly. That gives me a 5 for today. (I had cream in my coffee and beans in my chili.)

    My mom is here. Life is good. :)

  6. Gary: Makes sense. Thanks for your blessings!

    Jenn: No worries. I actually like the powdered eggs. I'm not sure if which is more processed: the powdered eggs or the Lara Bars. Save your money! I'm okay.
