Sunday, May 20, 2012

Heat Wave

It was up to 75 degrees in the house today.  That is hot here in San Diego.  I wouldn't care really, but the upper end for the yeast strain I used in the scottish ale I brewed yesterday is 75 degrees.  I am hoping that it isn't going to leave undesirable phenols and fruity esters that make it less than what I had hoped for.  I was so thrilled with the mash yesterday and everything went so well.  It will cool down tonight, but if it warms up tomorrow I may have to move it to the coolest room off the garage and keep the kids out of there.  Bummer.  I was hopeful that it would be the best beer ever.  Time will tell.  It is fermenting like crazy.  All is not lost as the range is 64-75.  Hopefully the air temperature only raised the liquid to maybe 73 or 74.  I can hope. 

The WOD tomorrow will be fun as I won't get to it until after story time with Tessie and it will smack in the heat of the day. 

The WOD:

I am stealing this one off or Iron Major Crossfit. 

Skill work:  Wall climbs

Start in a pushup position and climb your feet up the wall to a handstand.  Practice until you are comfortable.


75 Double Unders

Rest 3 minutes


18 minute AMRAP
5 Wall Climbs
10  Box Jumps
15 Kettlebell Swings

1 comment:

  1. I went to the gym today so I did a different WOD

    Row 500 meters
    20 Deadlifts (185#)
    Run 600 meters
    20 Deadlifts (185#)
    Row 500 meters
    20 Thrusters (75#)
    Run 600 meters
    20 Thrusters (75#)
    18:06 which included a little time looking for Tessie because Drew said "Gary I don't see Tessie." She was in the bathroom playing in the sink.
