Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 28,2011

I brewed up the Munich Dark Dunkel that my father gave me for Christmas this afternoon.  I tried a new technique for wort chilling and it worked so well that I got it too cold.  It is a lager so I have it in the garage where the temp peaks at 58 in the daytime.  55-62 is the temperature range I am looking for.  I will check it first thing in the morning to make sure it is okay.  Tomorrow I am hoping to procure some Riesling grape juice. . . if not then perhaps some kind of red.  Perhaps a malbec.  Tonight once they are in bed I will drink the Ballast Point Calico Amber Gwen gave me for Christmas. 

Two WODs for me today so I earned my beer.

10:2  Burpees: Front Squats
8:4  Burpees: Front Squats
6:6  Burpees: Front Squats
4:8  Burpees: Front Squats
2:10  Burpees: Front Squats


  1. 5:49
    115# for FS. All sets unbroken. My wrists were numb on the last round being mashed into the FS position but I pushed out 10 reps. This WOD was good for wrist mobility and strength. . .

  2. Wednesday, 28 Dec 11

    Oops, I did burpees:box jumps! Total time: 6:47.

    I forgot my book in my room and I was certain it was box jumps.

    I also ran with Capt Ferris. He is slower than GySgt Salinas so that was very good. ~30 mins, probably less than 3 miles.

    I was impressed I actually got up and did both!

    *I like your post. It sounds idyllic, although I know that your life is likely anything but right now! Chaotic is probably a better word. Riesling sounds nice--springy! The malbec also sounds nice--more wintery. Mmm, something with a hint of plums and maybe pepper. What is that? Besides delicious, I mean!
