Friday, December 16, 2011

Saturday and Sunday December 17 and 18

Crossfit Kids course weekend!

To celebrate that I think that its only appropriate to spend some warm-up and mobilization time hanging out in the squat position.  Ten minutes per day.  I will do it. . . If it is anything like Level 1 Certification the quads are thrashed at the end from so many squats, holds and techniques on various lifts. 

20 Minute AMRAP
Run 400 m
10 pullup

Anticipating your treadmill dilemma or "treadmillemma" I would suggest maybe a 25 DU substitute. . . Are there any rowers?  I know you have elliptical.  I would try to do something you move fast.  If DUs get the heart rate flying then go with it.  Otherwise do something that gets the heartrate up. . . or do some monostructural work after on the stationary/treadmill/etc..

Accumulate 1 minute of L-sits
Accumulate 1 minute of Handstands
Then in 2 minutes each with no more than 1 minute between exercise for transition complete max reps for:
Double Unders
Knees to Elbows
Tuck Jumps
ABMAT Situps

There will be 10 minutes of work going on here.  The design of the day is core strength/midline stability and quickness.  DUs and tuck jumps for quickness. . . everything else for the core.

I sure hope that NBC successfully got the Patriots vs. Broncos game moved to Sunday evening.  That game is must see TV and if its in the afternoon I am going to miss it. 


  1. Saturday, 18 Dec 11

    20 min AMRAP (20:20)

    1-6.0 mph; 6 assisted
    2-6.5 mph; 6 assisted
    3-7.0 mph; 6 assisted--failed on 9th rep
    4-7.5 mph; 7 assisted
    5-7.7 mph; 7 assisted
    6-7.9 mph; 7 assisted

    Sunday, 18 Dec 11

    L-sits: I'm not sure what these things are, but I did "hook my feet with toes pointing to the sky and back resting on a pad and lean back" things for a minute.
    Handstand: I stayed up for 1 min! I didn't come down, but I stayed up!

    DU: 26--I'm pulling this from memory, it might have been more; with my red jump rope, I can even do hop-DU-hop-DU for a few in a row. Woohoo!
    K-to-E: 20; these suck.
    Tuck jumps: 26; these get your HR up for sure!
    ABMAT situps: 46

  2. I did the Sunday 18 DEC WOD as makeup today. I had just written a long explanation of how everything went, but fell victim to the laptop. Freaking thing.

    Anyway here is my score in order
    Double unders--46
    Knees to Elbows--29
    Tuck Jumps--55

    I can do better, but need to get myself on track with consistent WOD times and sleeping better
