Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday and Friday

Okay, I blew it last night.  So here is what was today and also the WOD for tomorrow.  Thursday should have been:

Pistol squats (per leg)
Knees to elbows
DB thrusters

I feel pretty good about the fact that I did the wallball/knees to elbows WOD today so I was "close" to this one. 


In 15 minutes complete 100 pushups and then run as far as possible.  Post distance to comments. 

I need to send you an email with another week of workouts.  Tomorrow.  Its late.


  1. Friday, 9 Dec 11

    3-3-3-1-1 Max Deadlifts

    3s: 45 lbs bar + 25 kg
    1s: 45 lbs bar + 35 kg

    I wasn't looking forward to this WOD, but it turned out okay. I was concerned about not feeling like I did enough for the day, so I added:

    Treadmill: 20 mins, BFL intervals, 4.5-7.5 mph

    That made me feel better.

    Saturday, 10 Dec 11

    Pistol squat (per leg)
    Knees to elbows
    DB thrusters: 15 lbs

    I wasn't looking forward to this workout, either. I have bad memories of pistol squats a few months ago and I have avoided them ever since. It turned out okay. I need to ask someone to critique my pistol squats--I can't see myself and I am not confident that they are as technically correct as they need to be. I know that my legs have gotten far stronger--I can feel it in my mobility and balance. I really worked knees-to-elbows on the 9 round; I realized that I can actually bring my knees to my elbows! No kidding. And DB thrusters sure can get your heart rate going!

    *Each day, I start with a GAWU and end with a five minute cardio (treadmill, bike or elliptical) cooldown. Good. Very good.

  2. 8:46 for this one. I did it right after the 3RFT 30 AS, 20CFPU, 10pullup WOD so there were definitely some lingering effects that slowed me down. Pistol squats are a train wreck. It has been a long time since we did these and I have not done them since. I think I found goat to work on as part of skill work. . . Handstand pushups, pistols, muscle ups once I get some rings. . . at this point I think those are my goats. . . everything else is at least servicable. HSPU have good days and bad days. It is all about the condition of the shoulders. Gwen just saved the day. Sierra came back in and was doing a strange "tail up walk." Gwen took her back outside and she pooped. Now Gwen is running around yelling "I told you she had to poop!" Pretty funny.

    Sierra has lost total control of her body I am afraid. She has peed on the couch twice. I scrub it up and have been trying to get her to stay off the furniture. Stressful.

  3. 20# DB in each hand by the way
