Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday and Friday (December 1 and 2)


3 Rounds for Time

Bike 1 mile
20 Dips
10 Deadlift


Snatch max load

I will reverse the order and do the snatches today.  The bike ride will have to be tomorrow as the girls are home from school already and there is no way to bike with the three of them.  Tessie and I will bike to the park where I found some "non-Iron Gym" pullup bars.  I will add probably 20 pullups to each round.  The bike distance will be about 1.5 as that is the park.  I will do the dips, DL and pullups either at the park or at home using the bike between them.  I will have 4 bike sessions because I have to get home.  I will stop time after Round 3. 

The hills should make the bike awesome.  Oh, and having 40 pounds of child on board.  Functional fitness is awesome.  The time only matters to me.


  1. Snatch 7-7-7 at 75-85-95. The last few at 95 were getting perilously close to clean and jerk as opposed to true snatch. . . well somewhere in the middle.

    After that I did James' creation "Nanny Goat" as in the "mother of all goats."

    84 Double Unders
    42 Box Jumps
    42 CF Pushups
    11 Front Squat (115#. . . rx'd was 135)
    60 DUs
    30 Box Jumps
    30 CFPU
    8 Front Squat
    36 DUs
    18 Box Jumps
    18 CFPU
    5 Front Squat
    20:50 and totally smoked at the end. The snatch WOD warmup probably kept me from going sub-20.

    My lungs are still burning. Off to soccer

  2. 1 Dec 11
    For a variety of reasons, I opted for the following WOD:

    5RFT (23:53)
    -25 Back extensions: I used two different platforms, not sure which one was actually for back ext; I think one might have been for some kind of "in-air" situps.
    -25 Air squats
    -10 Double unders: I only subbed 3:1 for the first round; the last round took all of my concentration for sure.

    As I'm writing this on 2 Dec 11, my back is certainly feeling those back extensions. It hurts so good.

    2 Dec 11
    Again, I've got lots of reasons for doing a completely different WOD than what was prescribed (location, equipment, lack of straight cardio, not fully understanding the snatch technique).

    Treadmill (Total time/distance/calories: 40:00 min/3.3 miles/450-ish)
    5 min warmup
    30 min hill workout (5.0-6.8 mph)
    5 min cool down

    Lady Gaga always seems to get me through. No knee issues--hooray. While the treadmill pace seems way slower than my road pace, it still seems to kick my ass. Looking forward to heading back to the west side and being actually able to hit the pavement with my Marines.

  3. I won't be doing Nanny Goat any time soon, although I will copy it down with plans to scale it someday! James--that guy's nuts. . . .

  4. Today Tessie and I did the bike WOD. Holy hell. It kicked my rear. The bike route I chose was probably 1.7 or 1.8 and all hills which didn't help. You are either killing yourself or coasting. No chance to get the legs used to pumping on a flat. I will use this route to track my progress on the hills. I also had to use your bike due to the need for the seat. Your seat was low and I didn't adjust it. The gears are unfamiliar and not marked so that hindered my start. I was so smoked that I turned back around on the third bike and "called it a WOD" at the 29:58 mark. I would have easily gone over 40 to finish. So here is how it looked:

    15 Deadlifts (195#)
    Bike about 1.75 miles
    20 pullups
    20 Bench Dips
    Bike about 1.75 miles
    15 Deadlift (195#)
    20 Bench Dips
    Bike about 200 yards and then stopeed

    I loved the pullup bar in the park. My kip is all deranged from the Iron Gym. I am going to try and work in some WODs at the park to clean up my form. Maybe some burpee pullups too. Those crush me, but I love them all the same. The more it hurts, the more capacity you are building, right?

    I might try to do "Angie" at the park sometime soon. Its all bodyweight. That reads kind of funny doesn't it?

  5. Oh yeah, I think I need a rest day tomorrow. I will still post a WOD for you and maybe I will do it on a double day. I am completely shot in such a good way right now.
