Sunday, December 18, 2011

Newly minted Crossfit Kids Instructor

I thought that completing the Cossfit Kids certification would be a good way to "diversify" or "set myself apart from other trainers."  I REALLY underestimated the impact of this course.  I feel that as a result of this seminar/course I am a far better TEACHER and COACH of Crossfit.  It's true.  I felt great today when I was doing my thruster instruction and Todd from HQ says to me "that was awesome."  Then when the group was going back to what they were doing he caught my eye again and mouthed, "that was awesome."  The other takeaway was the inspiration.  Seeing what these kids can do. . .

If all that wasn't enough I had an "aha moment" when it comes to helping people to experience gains in their Olympic Lifts.  The way that Jeff was talking about coaching teenagers totally translates to adults.  Heck, I am pumped to train myself this way.  I am pumped to train YOU this way. 

So for Monday

Run 3 miles for time

Work on Deadlift form.


  1. Went to Total Crossfit in Poway and did the WOD that Drew had Rx'd for the day.
    5 RFT
    21 Air Squats
    15 KBS (53#)
    9 Clean and Press (75#)

    I was cooking through the early rounds but the KBS swings took a toll in round 4 and 5. I could use some work in the oxidative pathway. . . I think I said that before.

  2. I'm so proud that you completed your CrossFit Kids Course! I'm even more excited how excited you are about it. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the relationships you've developed; the opportunities that have arisen; the creativity that has been stoked in you!

    Money well spent, G.

    Tuesday, 20 Dec 11

    Run 3 miles for time: 28:00, treadmill 5.5-7.4 mph. The treadmill is harder than running on the ground.

    Love you!

  3. When working deadlifts remember this:
    1. stand with knots of shoes under bar
    2. with knees straight grab the bar
    3. bend knees until shins hit the bar
    4. Go into "angry gorilla" pose i.e. chest up with lumbar curve maintained.
    5. Hips and shoulders rise together
    6. Butt back and down on descent

    Courtesy of my Crossfit kids course. It is a much simpler way to teach deadlift. I hope it helps you.
