Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012!

This is going to be a great year. . . now that our viewership is increasing we will pledge as Beerbells disciples to all be in far better shape at this time next year. . . I know that Lisa and Jon are both following. . . so let's put up our goals for 2012.  It can be an "ideal weight," number of pounds lost, mastering a particular movement or exercise, setting PRs at anything from runnng to lifting, to max reps of something.  Perhaps Jon it is just to "trust me" that I can make your life better if you do this.  It has made mine better.  The 35 year old version of me could kick the snot out of any other version of me. . . maybe the 34 year old would have a shot. 

Lisa, maybe the pledge is to get our family eating Paleo for 85% of our meals.  If that is too high maybe 75%. . . the kids and I are working towards it. 

As for my beer selection for New Year's Eve. . . I am heading to the store here in a minute.  I hope they are still open.  I am going to "surprise myself" with something I haven't had before.  That is the only requirement.  I think I might drink one of my wheat beers too.  I have to buy the cool whip to make Gwen's birthday cake. . . awesome start to a Paleo year to have Gwen's birthday on New Year's Day.  I am going to try and get creative with mine. . .some kind of Paleo cake.  Jonny, you will love it. . . meat cake. 

So anyway, Happy New Year, and here is the WOD:

20 Burpees
12 Inverted Burpees
20 Back Squats
12 Front Squats
20 Forward lunges
12 Reverse Lunges

Inverted Burpees: start lying on your back.  Bring your feet back over your head and then rock forward trying to move to standing in one motion.  Once standing you go into a handstand against the wall.  I once did 100 of these for time and sweat like a monkey for 23 minutes.  12 shouldn't be too bad and its a great handstand drill with some core work mixed in.  All the rest should be self -explanatory.  Obviously 32 squats you will need to be moderate with the weight.  I will probably go for 95# myself.  I hope to be able to go unbroken at that weight. 


  1. I will kick off the goal setting. I would like to say I will have my weight down to 172#. I am going to say it. However, I should leave wiggle room as adding muscle might make it hard. I think it is achievable though. I am going to gun for this by June. Easily achievable.

    Goal #2. . . Paleo at 85% by year end. I just don't think I want to go any higher than that. . .one day or 3 meals a week of non-paleo is a good thing I believe. Once it begins maybe we move to the 90 or 95. . . it is all about the kids.

    Goal #3. . . slay some goats. Muscle Ups. HSPU.

    Goal #4. . . PR all major lifts (9 foundational movements plus thrusters, cleans, snatch. PR a Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K or 5K. At least one of those.

    I think that will do it. Maybe add some more equipment. Build a kegerator. Make a batch of Red wine pyment. . . stuff like that.

  2. Trying to shrink the Crater Lake picture and ended up deleting it or something. . . I put this one up and made it smaller. I guess I could change the photo as often as I like. This one was at La Jolla.

    For the beer portion of my program tonight I had three beers since our adventures at returning bottles. I cashed in over 200 bottles today. . . they all came crashing out of the van, so some were redeemed in pieces. One bonus to them going by weight here. I also learned I can return plastic water bottles and wine bottles for money. . . I found out what to do with the wine bottles I don't need! Turn them into money!

    I drank a Kona Brewing Passion Fruit Wheat beer. Not good. I had a Sam Adams Coffee Stout. Decent. Now I am on a Sam Adams Chocolate Bock. . . average. I will split the midnight front and back with my wheat and that should be it.

  3. I am debating if I am going to do the "20-12" workout tonight or tomorrow morning before my run. Hmmm. . . . We shall see!

    See 31 Dec 11 for my list of goats--they're all there.


    #1: Stop bingeing. It IS possible to eat one rather than ALL the servings, e.g. one Halloween candy instead of the fifteen you sent; a small bowl of Stateline chips instead of half the bag your mother sent; one or two cups of coffee in the morning instead of well over a pot throughout the day. I think this is my biggest and most challenging goal. I can do so well and then completely fall apart. I have cut out soda and salad dressing altogether and I really don't miss it. I know it is possible. And I know I feel far better (physically, mentally and emotionally) when I DON'T binge. Seriously, once I can get this under control, my weight won't matter because my shape--especially around my midsection where ALL my bingeing rests--will reflect success.

    #2: Stay positive. I have been doing pretty well with this and I've tried to keep others in this realm with me. (I've found distraction techniques work almost as well on grown-ups as they do on children!) It's tough. Some people are bothered IMMENSELY by positivity; some people are unable or unwilling to let go of their negativity; some people won't rest until they've pulled you into their negativity. It's amazing how often I find myself worried about others disliking/alienating/lashing out at me for being NOT negative. I am challenged every day with finding a balance between being positive and being productive. I can't cut myself off from some of the negativity--I have to face it head-on to accomplish the mission. Woosa. I can do this. Mrs Cummings says so!

    Keep it simple . . . a goal in and of itself!

    Happy 2012!

  4. Oh, I like the picture! (I liked the Crater Lake one, as well. Instead of anger, I felt serenity and clarity. Did I--if I could I would make that "I" bold, italic, huge and red--just say that?)

  5. 10:25 Half of the time was the Burpees and inverted burpees. Squats @95# unbroken. Lunges I was huffing and puffing from the squats, but pushed through 20 per side and 12 per side.

  6. Tuesday, 3 Jan 12--Sue's birthday!

    "20-12" (~25 mins)

    20 Burpees
    12 Inverted burpees
    20 Back squats: 1-95; 4-85; 5-75; 10-65
    12 Front squats: 45 lbs
    20 Front lunges: 15 lbs each hand
    12 Reverse lunges: 15 lbs each hand

    *I LOVE INVERTED BURPEES! I took them slow--obviously--but what a GREAT confidence booster. I took a risk and tried to "go with the flow" from one section to another instead of being so deliberate and cautious and it SO worked out in my favor! I am gaining grace and strength in my handstands. Woohoo!

    I was far too ambitious on the back squats and you can see I kept decreasing weight; I was pleased with my form, though.

    I'm back in the saddle today and I've got my inverted burpee motivation to fuel my fire!

  7. Lisa,
    The crater lake picture didn't make me angry, but I was looking at the potential of a blog. I see this as a future advertisement of pub and gym. That being said, I am a sucker for serene pictures, however people judge a blog (and/or future ad) by what they see first. Though it may have sounded overly critical, I wasn't trying to be. If the first thing can be misinterpreted as a hack blogger, than people will tune it out. Organized works, however I am not an ad executive, I can only speculate. Just trying to offer some honest criticism. Not trying to be negative, just sharing what a guy who reads a lot of his news/info online sees and hoping to offer a simple alternative.
    That being said, not really sure what my target is just yet, however, I actually had a big breakthrough with my wife... We are trying to carve out a healthier lifestyle in the years to come. Not a resolution as those just frustrate the hell out of me. I would like to run a marathon in a year and a half. Easier said than done. I will start small, but I am going to transition slowly into running since their is already significant damage in my ACL (good scar tissue formation I am told, good news)and so I am 1. going to shed the pounds (rowing machine, elliptical machine) and pound some hills in my locale. I have realized that fitness for me needs to be an adventure, basically meaning I get fit doing the things I truly enjoy.
    Outside of that, I view this blog creation as a building block of future endeavors. While fitness is great, it is indeed intimidating to someone just trying to turn over a new leaf to see numbers and times. Also I find a human element to things to be much more enjoyable. I suppose I have a mind that works on an alternate path than most, but hey, thats why I write as well. Some may find what I say incredibly out in left field, but it is honest thoughts running through my head.
    Heres to a great new year.

  8. I'm loving the blog! Keep it up. I couldnt physically get through a single workout in here. Maybe by the end of the year? I want to know how church makes you feel - and what is special about that one. I'm still working on my goals for 2012. #1. Survive.
